All tagged Europe

Analysis | Poland's Overrule of Law Threatens the Fabric of the European Union

The resulting victory of Andrzej Duda is a harbinger for greater discord between Warsaw and Brussels, as the policy positions of the Law and Order Party under whose name he ran are likely to run afoul of Poland’s commitments to the respect for the rule of law, tolerance, and non-discrimination as enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Analysis | Germany and Russia: Uneasy Allies or Strained Competitors?

Germany and Russia share a complex relationship that is constantly evolving. Traditionally, Germany has valued its transatlantic ties, calling the United States its closest ally. However, as the United States has opted out of its traditional European role, Germany has been forced to consider other alliances and the redefinition of its role in Europe.

Analysis | Bend it like Brexit: Football and European Identity

After a massive overtime extension on London’s withdrawal process, the United Kingdom finally blew the whistle on its exit from the European Union on January 31, 2019. Following the U.K.’s withdrawal from the EU on February 1, 2020, however, it’s unlikely that Britain will ever come to see another Beckham grace the Bernabéu — or any other European football team — in quite the same way, carrying implications far beyond the stadium.

Commentary | The Freedom of Movement in Post-Pandemic Europe

While many countries continue to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, the reinstatement of the freedom of movement of EU citizens within the Schengen zone in a post-pandemic Europe remains uncertain. Whether EU member states are ready to put aside their political differences to achieve a stable state of travel across the Schengen area in the wake of the public health crisis remains to be seen.

Opinion | Turkey's Invasion of Kurdish Syria and Europe's Deafening Silence

Following Trump’s announcement of the U.S. withdrawal from parts of Syria, Turkey launched a military operation on Kurdish forces in Northeastern Syria. Not only is Europe's future relationship with Turkey at risk, but its relations with the wider Middle East, its reputation and credibility as a defender of human rights and democracy, and its geopolitical interests are all at stake.

Commentary | Jupiter, Meet the Mob: Macron and the Gilets Jaunes

The media’s coverage of the Gilet Jaune movement in France gives the false impression that the French openly challenging Macron’s government through protest and strike is anything new. Alghough France desperately needs Macron’s reforms, the President must lean slowly and deliberately into them, accounting for those that will need help and time to adjust. For Macron’s marathon of reforms, only slow and steady will win the race.

Analysis | How European Foreign Policy is Crafted towards Venezuela

The European response to recent developments of the crisis in Venezuela is a strong example of how European common foreign policy is made and implemented in practice. In areas of policy where EU governments can compellingly argue that they have a better understanding of the situation they can carry real authority. Fellow EU states who may not be invested in a situation at all will be willing to listen and follow their lead.

Analysis | Refining Strategic Autonomy: A Call for European Grand Strategy

Terms like strategic autonomy and defense union have become commonplace in the face of wavering American commitments to NATO and the transatlantic alliance. The shift in the discussion hints at a move towards greater European collective action on the world stage. With the resurgence of China, the return of Russia, the retreat of the United States, and the rise of the rest, Europe needs to define its own grand strategy.

Analysis | Russia's Tightening Grip on European Energy Supply

The Kremlin often wields access to its oil and natural gas supplies as deft foreign policy tools to pressure nations into political and economic action beneficial for Russia. In the interest of U.S. national security, we should respond with new policies in response to Russian energy weaponization.

Analysis | The New European Triumvirate: Spain as a Leading Power in the European Union

The Global Financial Crisis of 2008 left Spain scrambling to reassemble a broken economy and combat soaring unemployment. European austerity measures and Catalonian dreams of independence have since occupied all of Madrid’s bandwidth and effectively back-seated Spanish foreign policy for over a decade. With the rise of Pedro Sánchez and the wounds of the financial crisis healing, Madrid has turned its attention back to Brussels, and is ready to assume the role of a leading power in Europe. 

Analysis | Europe at a Crossroads: The Case for a Common Defense Industry

It is well known the world over that the European Union is a major economic power thanks to the single market. Yet, it is far behind other major world powers in arms development and sales. Despite the inclusion of weapons in the single market, there exists no common market for the defense. The advantages to unifying the defense industry and creating a single market for defense are clear and undeniable.

Commentary | Will European Turnout Go Up in 2019?

The 2019 European Elections will be taking place in less than a year. Yet by and large, political parties do not seem particularly interested. There’s no campaigning. Parties aren’t talking to members. No plans are being drawn up. If the European Elections sometimes feel like an afterthought, it’s at least partly because parties seem to treat them as such.

Analysis | A New Government: The Spain of Pedro Sánchez

On the 1st of June, the social democratic party PSOE passed a vote of no confidence against then-President Mariano Rajoy in Congress and successfully installed the party leader Pedro Sánchez as President of Spain, leading a minority government. Although Sánchez’s arrival in La Moncloa was well received in the wider European political community, he has little time to make change before calling for new elections.